Friday, October 16, 2009

Showing Off

Teddy has been learning lots of new tricks lately! Ignore the bruises on his head (we're big into falling down these days!) and take a look at what he can do.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Men at Work

We put the boys to work last weekend, as you can see. Lots of fun... although I guess we'll have to wait a few more years until they can really get to work on the yard!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Baby Scarface

In the middle of our crazy couple weeks of swine flu, pneumonia and various other illnesses, Henry did a faceplant into our coffee table and took a trip to the ER. He had to be sedated to receive these four stitches, which he had removed today. It was quite an experience, to say the least.

It seemed to heal OK, but I honestly don't see how it can't leave some sort of scar. Argh... boys! I'm told that scars are cool on guys, though, so hopefully it will make him look rugged and appeal to the ladies in about 20 years.