Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Boy And His Dog

We took a family walk around Lake Normandale today. It was a great time... H and T loved it and even Lola was on her best behavior. Not her usual spastic self! She even allowed Henry to walk her. He was pretty proud to be holding onto her leash!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wagon Rides, 5 Cents

Mommy took the boys out for a wagon ride this evening.

I can't believe that Teddy is already big enough to sit up in the wagon! Henry loved hanging out with his pajama-clad little brother.

Yay for spring and wagon rides!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Teddy at 8 Months

It's been way too long since I last posted! Life has been busy and the boys are, too. In that time, our little Teddy turned 8 months old. His personality is really coming out now - so much fun! Lots of smiles and giggles everyday.

He officially upgraded his method of transportation from the "worm" to crawling a bit after he turned 7 months. Within days he was crawling all over the place and getting into everything... Lola's water dish, big brother's trains and more. So many things to explore!

Then, just after he turned 8 months, he started pulling himself up on everything. He can stand for quite a while now and is really making an effort to start "creeping". Teddy is so proud of himself when he's standing. I think he likes being more on an "eye level" with people (well, Henry and Lola, at least!).

I'm posting his monthly photo, as well. In the coming months, it will just get harder and harder to wrangle him into an appropriate pose. What can I say, the kid is on the move!