Sunday, March 29, 2009

Brunch with the Boys

With two young kids, Matt and I don't go out to eat that often. It's usually too much of a hassle and ends up not being fun for anyone. Especially now that Henry is in the middle of being potty trained.

But Matt surprised me this weekend by deciding to take the boys out for brunch. I love that kind of spur of the moment stuff, but was a little worried that it would end up in disaster.

I don't know if the stars aligned or what, but it was a great time. Teddy was laid back and hung out in his carseat while Henry enjoyed his Mickey Mouse-shaped pancakes. Henry even had a few successful ventures to the bathroom. Woo-hoo! All in all, we had a really nice time out. What can I say - small successes like these are a big deal with two little ones!

By this point, Henry was trying to spend some time under the table. We took that as our cue to ask for the check!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Teddy at 7 Months

Little Teddy turns 7 months old this week. He's on the move these days, not quite crawling, but scooting around enough that he can get where he wants to go. Which is making life a lot more interesting for mom and dad!


Breakfast, lunchtime, dinnertime and every meal in between!

Gumming Henry's collection of Thomas trains

Watching big brother's every move


Loud noises

Getting his diaper changed

Getting his monthly picture taken, where he has to sit still and not gnaw on something for 2 seconds!

Happy 7 Months, Little T-Bone!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Teddy on the Move!

It's not creeping, it's not crawling... but it's sure something!

For the past few days, Teddy has been on the move. It's kind of along the lines of the breakdancing move called "The Worm".
But he can scoot anywhere he wants these days, as you can see from this video.

Go, Teddy, Go!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Teddy has been full of giggles these days. He especially likes it when someone sneezes!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Outta Sight, Not Quite Outta Mind

Ever wonder what happens after you walk out of a room, or you leave a place? I think back to an old Seinfeld episode where George thinks people are talking behind his back so he leaves a tape recorder in a briefcase to capture the group's unfiltered thoughts once he leaves. Anyway, back to my original thought, on Saturday afternoon Nana and Bumpa were flying out of town and needed a ride to the airport. They came by our place so Becky could drive them to the airport. But before they jetted off to sunny Florida, they were here for about an hour. They were having fun with Henry and Teddy, playing with trains; the boys were loving it. But then came time to leave. The boys shared some hugs and kisses, than the door closed. What happened next is a glimpse of what happens when Nana, Bumpa and Momma all leave at once.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Henry Dials It In

I recently had a phone conversation with Henry as I was leaving work. Matt mentioned that it was Henry’s first “real” phone conversation, so I figured it deserved to be recorded. It’s real interesting stuff, you know!

Matt: Tell Mommy what you need from the store… (handing over phone to Henry).
Henry: I need some apple juice boxes.
Becky: Juice boxes? Do you need anything else?
Henry: Umm.. milky. Yeah, milky. (He’s big into saying “yeah” and repeating himself now).
Becky: Ok. Anything else?
Henry: James DVD squares. (This refers to James, Thomas’ friend – and we think DVD “squares” mean DVD players, but we’re not really sure).
Becky: OK. Juice boxes, milky, James DVD squares – any last requests?
Henry: Ummm… Cars underwares. Yeah, Cars underwares – need new ones. (He wears Cars pull-ups).

What a list!